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What you can do at Home

Say no to plastic bags and bottles

Avoid purchasing plastics, especially single-use plastic. Carry shopping bags always and choose products made from biodegradable and sustainable materials instead. Quit bottled water for good. Each year over 300 million tons of plastic are produced globally, and 10 % will end up in the sea. It is estimated that there is now a 1:2 ratio of plastic to plankton and, left unchecked, plastic will outweigh fish by 2050.

Use less Synthetic Fertilizers

These are usually derived from by-products of the petroleum industry. Examples are Ammonium Nitrate, Ammonium Phosphate, Superphosphate, and Potassium Sulfate. Synthetic fertilizers do not support microbiological life in the soil. A significant percentage of beneficial microorganisms, which are responsible for breaking down organic matter for improving soil quality and fertility, are actually killed by application of a synthetic fertilizer.

Reduce your oil consumption:

The development of offshore gas-fields is intended to augment the current reliance of coal for electrical generation, so the community can definitely help by:

  • Saving up and installing clean energy solutions at home. Looking into your options for alternative energy: Solar voltaic panels, Solar geysers, solar water heating etc.
  • Cut your power use at home. Turn off house lights and heaters that you aren’t actively using, unplug appliances sucking phantom energy.

Regards oil usage:

  • Limit how much you drive. Make the intentional choice to walk to locations within a reasonable distance, and carpool or take public transport to work if you can.
  • Go zero waste. A Zero Waste lifestyle is an opportunity to live lightly upon the earth by choosing sustainability over pure convenience.
  • Buy local. Much of the oil pulled out of the earth is destined to be used for transportation. Buying local means the goods you purchase don’t need to be driven cross-country or flown across the globe.

Vote responsibility

Your vote is a mutual contract for better life for all. Elect candidates committed to reducing fossil fuel environmental impact and support replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy.